Day 361: Flashback

Today and tonight, most of my time was consisted on flashbacks. First it was videos; looking through and uploading old tapes to my computer for my dad's football project was the main idea, but I stumbled into a few random shots along the way. The Commander Baker game, old athletic banquets, and even my brother's "High School Musical" play from middle school was hidden in there somewhere. It made me want to go through all of my old home videos and upload them to the computer, getting to watch those bad boys would truly be hilarious. Secondly, I went through tons of old photo boxes to find the perfect pictures for my graduation slideshow. Erin said she had found tons of pictures from when she was younger, so I had to make sure that I got my cute baby pics in there too! I looked through pictures starting from 1995 all the way to 1998, and I must say that I was a pretty cute kid in a pretty cute family! Throughout these past eighteen years, my family has always been there for me; through the good times and the bad. It seems to me that no matter how serious we tried to be, we just couldn't help but be silly! Growing up in my family must have been a blast, I wish I could remember the younger years more! Now that I'm truly growing up and moving out - there's only one group of people I'd like to say has shaped me into the adult I am today, the Muller family. It doesn't get any better than this :)

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Day 360: Catching Up

Today was a day full of catching up. It started out with sleep. After this crazy three day weekend, I definitely needed to catch up on my sleep. Even though my family all woke up early today, I slept in until one. That's pretty late for me, considering the usual early time I've been waking up lately! The second thing I caught up on was tv shows. Lately, all I've been doing is watching Desperate Housewives on Netflix, so I've been ignoring my DVR. I've been missing out on almost every single show I watch, and I realized that I needed to catch up on all the new season finales! I finally got caught up on 90210 and One Tree Hill, my two favorites. I've been watching these shows for years, so I just coulnd't go on without them. :) Third thing I caught up on was this blog. I've gotten into the bad habit of putting it off for a couple of days, and then just updating on multiple days (one time even a couple of weeks) at once. This is my last week of my 365, and I'm making a promise to myself. No more catching up, It's all getting daily updates from now on. I've come to realize that it truly is crazy that I have only five days left! My the time flies by....

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Day 359: On the River!

In order to celebrate Memorial Day Weekend properly, it was necessary that Erin, Victoria, and our Indian Princess friends get together at the Brook's river house on the St. Bernard! Since my family decided to be bums and not come, I rode up with Victoria! We got there later than we wanted so we missed the first tubing trip with the Cassani's, but we still made it one of the most fun days ever! We rode on the Rigsby's boat for a bit, then joined up with Kaitlyn and Erin for a little bit of tanning and tubing on Bob Brooks' boat! None of us had been tubing in a year - last memorial day weekend! When we were younger, we didn't have any problem holding onto a tube for hours, it was so easy! Nowadays, our out of shape selves have a difficult time tubing like we used to! Regardless of our weak arms, we still had an amazing time doing what we love :)

We only spent the day at the river however; we had to get back for the Engle graduation party! Kaitlyn was graduating from Austin High School and Lauren was graduating from the University of Texas, so they had a joint graduation party! The house was of course filled with some amazing cakes, food, and people! I had fun catching up with the older kids and hanging out with the young ones, and just having fun bonding with some loving people. I think we can all agree that our favorite part was the end of the night when we got to kick it and start a little party. We're crazy kids, and I wouldn't change a thing about anything we ever do!

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Day 358: Party Dress!

After many many times of searching for the perfect graduation dress, my mom and I finally found it today! We made multiple stops in River Oaks, the Houston Dillard's, and even Rice Village! We thought we found the perfect dress at Em & Lee, but after trying it on multiple times, and even buying, I realized that it just wasn't the dress for me! My mom wasn't too happy that we had spent so much time and found nothing, but we were determined to find THE dress before we went home. Thankfully we made our way to Nordstrom's in the Galleria, and found dress heaven! I tried on more dresses at Nordstrom's than I did anywhere else I'd looked - the one definitely had to be there! Eventually, I did find the perfect dress, and I'm so excited to get to wear it :)
Later tonight, the girls and I got to go out on the town... all ten of us! The usual crew added Kaitlyn and Gabrielle for the night, and we made sure that it was a night to remember! Hanging out with my ladies is my favorite thing to do, and having a great time is what we do best! We got a little crazy, and we definitely made it a memorable night... just not in the way we expected. I think next time we go out, we're gonna hold off on the drama. Bringing the party is what we're known for, and we want to keep it that way! We'll keep being the crazy girls we are, but we'll just make sure to keep it classy - class of 2011 that is!

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Day 357: Salsa?

Thankfully, tonight was the very last thing I will ever have to do with a club at Austin High School... an SNHS social! I feel like these last couple of weeks have been filled with getting my club hours and socials done, and after tonight I am finally finished for LIFE! The social which was supposed to be an after school movie was moved to tonight as a dancing under the stars social in Town Center! Since school was let out early for the kids exempt from their 6th period exams, we couldn't come back to the school after leaving, so they decided to change things up. I didn't want to go dancing alone, so I asked Mark if he would come with me! Usually, I would think that he would reject an invite to go dancing in front of a bunch of people, but he said yes! I was not only surprised, but thrilled that Mark was willing to spend time with me while making a fool out of himself :) We thought we were going to be salsa dancing, but we wound up learning how to "boogie"! Thankfully, Melinda, Justin and Andrea joined with us in learning how to do the swing, and even though it was a retro dance, we had a blast! I'm glad that even though we weren't the best dancers out there, Mark and I still had a blast dancing the night away!

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Day 356: So Long DP 16

Today were my two final Banquets of the year... Mu Alpha Theta and Broadcasting! Both were right after school, so I decided to attend the one I was getting a cord for first... Mu Alpha Theta! Even though it was at the school, it was definitely better than the rest of the banquets I've been to this year! All of the seniors decided that the math geniuses in MAO definitely know how to get more bang for their buck! After about an hour of door prizes, drawing pictures, and eating some delicious food, I realized that I had to abandon my fellow mathletes and head on over to the broadcasting banquet at Mary's house! I got there in the nick of time, because Mr. Gardner was handing out his awards! After we congratulated the winners, Mr. Gardner gave us all back our original applications for broadcasting - videos included! Looking back on the year, I realized I have definitely developed some skills of learning how to make some better and funnier videos. We all swam in the pool, took some underwater pictures, and just hung out for the rest of the day. Broadcasting class may be filled with a bunch of random people, but getting to know them over the past year has been a blast. I am definitely going to miss my buddies in Dawg Pause 16!

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Day 355: Late Night Hangover

Who says you can't get crazy on a Wednesday night?! Tonight at midnight (well, technically thursday morning) was the premier of the Hangover 2! This movie was something my friends and I didn't want to miss out on, so we definitely made sure we were attending the midnight premier! Erin, Mariah, Savannah, Jamie, and I got there about thirty minutes early, but we still had to sit in the second row. Not our prime spot choice, but we were still happy that we got to see the movie at midnight! The movie is almost exactly like the first one, pretty much the same exact plot. This time however; there are a few more hilarious characters and schemes. After seeing this moving, there's one thing I'm sure of. I will NEVER get so drunk that I would be convinced to cut off my own finger... GROSS!

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Day 354: Whoop!

When you says, "whoop!", it not only shows people your excitement, but also that fact that you are a future, present, or past student of Texas A&M! Tonight was the Austin High School Awards Night, where all the students with excellence in all areas of the school get to walk across the auditorium stage and get rewarded for all their hard work. Being it my senior year, I definitely was congratulated with the most awards thus far in high school. All my work totaled up to me earning graduation cords for Cum Laude (top 15%), a medal for Academic excellence, and another medal for achieving scholarships. Not to mention the cords I got for SNHS and MAO, and the bib I earned for NHS. After they call your name and list your achievements, you're supposed to walk across the stage, shake all the principals' and counselors' hands, be given your awards, and walk off. After they called my name, however; I couldn't help but let everyone know how excited I was and give out a big, "whoop!" There were definitely some Aggies out in the crowd because I got some pretty loud responses - even from the staff on the stage! It felt nice to not only accept the end of my high school year on stage, but to also celebrate my upcoming years in college. Tonight I realized something crazy... next time I walk across a stage, it won't be for a high school ceremony, it will be for graduation!

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Day 353: Downsizing. :(

Today was one of those days that I dread the most... cleaning days. As much as I despise them, I always bring them upon myself. I let things in my room pile up; things I don't need, don't use, or don't want... and they just sit there until it's too much stuff to handle anymore. It all started with the t-shirts... :( Over the years, I have always had a vast collection of t-shirts. At LEAST one in every color, and every size. T-shirts are pretty much all I wear, except for when I go out, so it makes sense to me to have so many. However, when they get overflowed, it gets a little out of control. After cleaning out my dresser today, I put about 100 shirts into a donation bag. I love my t-shirts, so parting with them is very sad. Some of the shirts I always though would make it to college just couldn't make the cut. :( After I cleaned out the t-shirts, I cleaned out the rest of my dresser and my entire closet. I wound up filling four bags of clothes to donate - I think that's my record. Even though my room looks so much more organized now, cleaning is always a painful process. Giving away clothes and cleaning things up are two of the most time consuming tasks, I'm surprised that my patience survived!

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Day 352: Lost

Today was my first technical graduation party of the year, for Brooke Ballew! She held a ladies' brunch at the Warren's house, which I must say was definitely fancy! There were finger sandwiches, pita chips and hummus, and even some precious fruit tarts. It was all so fine and dainty, I felt the need to hold up my pinky while I ate and drank! Sometimes dressing up and acting like a lady is just what my friends and I need. Otherwise, we're pretty manly!

After all the lady-like shinanigans, I was definitely a little tired. When I'm in the mood for a nap, that's all I want to do. About ten times today when I tried to lay down, SOMETHING stopped me. The worst was when I finally fell asleep, and my phone started ringing. Erin was calling me, and wound up telling me she was coming to pick me up so that we could pick up my stranded mother at the Galleria Costco. She had gotten there by hitching a ride with Erin's mother, Brenda, but Brenda got called in to see a patient, and had to leave my mom. Therefore, Erin and I had to go get her. Once we got there, we told my mom to come outside, only to find out we were at the WRONG COSTCO. Now not only was I tired, but grumpy because we were lost. Eventually we made it to the right location, and decided that if we were going to take all this time getting here, we were going to make a quick run through for some free samples! Nothing like a good piece of Lemon Bar to pick up my spirits :)

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Day 351: "I Have an Announcement!"

Today was a crazy day! It started off with one thing I expected to be - La Tomatina. It was a social event with SNHS at Pecan Park, and it was designed to represent the event that goes on in Spain every year, where all the people throw tomatoes at each other! Well, we didn't have any tomatoes so we went for the next best thing... water balloons! In an old-school dodgeball fashion, the girls and boys lined up and charged at each other with as many balloons as we could carry! The balloons that took hours to make were all popped within five minutes. I think in the end, the girls definitely took the championship!

Later tonight was a girl's night! All the girls - except Victoria - headed over to Kate's house for a night full of fun. There was some wild dancing, hilarious stories, and some extreme facebook stalking. We even got to fit in a late night Whataburger run, which really hit the spot! We danced the night away to Kate's game, "Dance Central" because sometimes... girls just need to dance! We've only got a few more weeks of senior year to have these girls night, so we made sure that it was the most fun, girly, crazy, sappy night ever. To quote Jason Aldean, "We talked and drank and danced and said goodbye. We laughed until we cried". <3

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Day 350: Theifs

Tonight I did my very last volunteer opportunity in high school... ever! Every year I work at the Walker Station carnival, so I thought that getting my last hours of the year here would be a perfect way to end it all. When I got the the carnival, I expected to work outside in the humidity... like usual. I've historically been put in charge of selling food (which isn't that fun) so I figured I'd be doing something along the same lines. I was right... but also lucky! I got put in the only job that was inside the air conditioned building with Katlyn Jonas! Our job was very simple - to put popcorn into bags. So simple that after a while, it was pretty boring. We made about 100 bags, and no one was buying popcorn, so we figured that we could go out and venture out into the carnival! We got good, went to visit the face painting station, and Katlyn even got a free henna tattoo! I'd say it was definitely the easiest volunteer opportunity that I've ever had, and spending it with Katlyn and getting to fool around was the best part. At the end of the day, I'd say we definitely had the most fun out of all the volunteers there. Especially when it came to the popcorn! ;)

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Day 349: Room 202

Tonight was banquet number two for... NHS! Luckily, a lot more people are in NHS, so I get to hang out with a big group of my friends! We got all dressed up for a "Mystery Murder at the Hotel". Each group that signed up for a table got a "room key" and was escorted to their rooms by the bellhop. I was in room 202 with the rest of the NHS cool kids... so we definitely had the best and most fun table! :) The future NHS officers put on a show for the senior members while we dined on what would be the last food I eat from Safari Texas - crazy! They even got Mrs. Orta and Mrs. Birtwistle to join in on the acting! In between scenes, room 202 would get up and take some pictures while the other boring rooms just sat and ate. Kaitlyn, the boys, and I even snuck out a secret door to take some pictures outside! The whole event was planned out a little like the game Clue, and each "room" had to guess who was the murderer at the end of the night. Even though Room 404 won the game, Room 202 definitely took the cake in my book for best and most fun room ever!

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