Today I woke up early to go with my dad on a road trip to the best place on earth - College Station! While my sister was up there for New Student Conference, my dad decided it would be a good chance for me to take an official tour and to meet some important people, so off we went! One the way there, we made a pit stop in Navasota to take a look at some cars. My sister is taking a car to college and my brother is about to get his license, so we are needing another car in the Muller household! It was a great place to stop too, small town people are so nice. Even the car dealers - who are usually pushy - were just so laid back! It was actually an enjoyable trip to the dealership because I didn't feel like I was being pressured to buy a car. Afterwards, my dad and I headed to College Station to meet up with the President of Former Students. He was very nice, and talking to him about college definitely made me excited to apply and eventually go there! We also talking to one of the ladies in the Prospective Students office, who was very helpful to me in explaining about college. I loved talking with these adults, because they are Aggies. Honestly, I think that Aggies are the nicest, most genuine people I have ever encountered, and College Station is a place of pure spirit and family, and I can't wait to be a part of it! It was an exciting day running around the campus, but I was definitely tired when we got back to the hotel!
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