First thing's first-this morning at midnight was the premier of the Twilight Saga's Eclipse movie, and it was awesome! I went with Kaitlyn on a very spontaneous trip and we had SO much fun! We were tired beyond belief afterwards, but it was definitely worth it! Eclipse was definitely the best out of all of the three movies by far. :) In the morning, I woke up early to go with my mom to IKEA in order to buy some shelves for my room. I hadn't been there since I was little and had to stay in the little kids area, so it was definitely an experience! The entire time I was there I couldn't stop thinking about the movie "500 Days of Summer" because the couple in that movie always goes to IKEA to act like they live there, haha. I definitely loved going to IKEA because they have anything you could ask for, and it's cheap! After IKEA, I decided to take my mom to a restaurant that I was introduced to earlier this year, called Ghengis Grill. It's a mongolian stir-fry restaurant and it was delicious! My mom had never been there, so she definitely enjoyed the new food! So much in fact, that she wrote the owner a note to open one in Sugar Land! It was a good day bonding with my mom, with both of us having new experiences. :)

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