Day 148: Let the Games Begin!

Today was the A&M game versus Texas Tech, and the tailgates were poppin! My family's tailgate was celebrating Diane and Adam's birthdays, and we had a LOT people, food, and fun! I had plenty of people congratulating me on my acceptance, and I was justoverall extremely happy! I couldn't stop smiling, because I knew in a year, I'd be able to walk to the tailgate from my dorm, and it makes me SO excited! I didn't stay for the game though, because it was time for me to go back to the shug for halloween at home!

Once I got home, I wanted to take a little break because I was
so tired, I knew that I was going to have one heck of a night so I knew I had to take a little break. Afterwards, I was ready for the night! I got together with my friends, we got in our costumes, and we were headed out for the night for some halloween fun! I was Lady Gaga, which definitely fits my personality. She is a little crazy, but a lot of fun :) It was a great night, and I spend it with some of the best people I know. Halloween 2010 = success! :)

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Day 147: Spur Of the Moment

Tonight around 5:20 I realized that I had nothing to do for the night. I had absolutely nothing to do, and that was definitely not gonna fly with me on the friday of halloween weekend! So, I packed my bags and drove to college station! I rolled up to my best friend Kelsey Young's house and told her that tonight was going to be a fun night. I missed her so much, I hadn't seen her in over a month, which is a very long time for us! Our reunion was awesome, because I missed her a lot. She wasn't in the most exciting of moods though, she told me she wanted to stay in and bake cookies. Hells bells I wasn't going to do that on Halloween weekend in College Station! So using my persuasiveness, I got her to jump in the shower and get ready to go out with me! We got together with my friend Adam Adams and his cousin/my new friend Colton and we were ready for a college station night on the town, halloween version. The night was awesome, I hung out with some great friends, reunited with some old ones, and met some amazing new ones. College Station is always a blast!

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Day 146: Ready for the Future

Today I decided that I was going to dress up for school, because I was going to look good for my first day of officially being a future aggie! I know that what the future holds is going to be great, so why not be excited about it?! My future is going to benefit me, so why not greet it looking my best! I have always loved Texas A&M, I was brainwashed by my dad from birth. Those who aren't fans may not understand, but once you're an aggie you're always an aggie! According to the old saying, "From the outside looking in you can't understand it, and from the inside looking out you can't explain it". Being an aggie means everything to me, and I am definitely ready for the future!

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Day 145: Accepted

Today was the day, I finally got my official online acceptance letter from Texas A&M University! Words can't even begin to describe how excited I am for college, it is going to be some of the best times of my life! I love highschool and senior year, but I am so excited to be the loudest and proudest member of the Fightin' Texas Aggie class of 2015! AAAAAAAAAAAA!

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Day 144: Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner

Tonight the volleyball girls took on our rivals, the travis tigers! Katy and I don't exactly go to all the volleyball games, so we decided that tonight we were going to go! I'm glad we did too, because the game was pretty exciting. The fans were loud and excited, myself being one of them. We beat the tigers and sent them home in three games, and it was awesome! We were screaming our heads off and the girls were excited because they won 2nd in the district and they are going to playoffs! Our girls did good and we are proud fans! Afterwards, I "whipped my hair" a little too much in Katy's car, because my neck started to hurt! Haha it was a fun night with one of my very best friends. :)

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Day 143: All-Area Costume Club!

Tonight was the famous all-area younglife halloween club! All the schools in the area that participate in younglife came out to the fishers of men church and we had a big halloween bash. Everyone dressed up because it we had a big costume contest, it was awesome! I dressed up as one of the things that high school kids use everyday, facebook! It was a pretty funny costume, and was even complete with real news feed! I had lots of points and I'm sure I heard "oh my gosh, look, it's facebook!" about a hundred times throughout the night. I didn't win the costume contest, that one went to the blind referees, they were hilarious! But we all still had a good night, finally being able to reunite with the rest of the younglifes in our area!

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Day 142: Houston Outlet Mall

Today I woke up much later than usual, whew! It was 10:30 and my mom told me that since Diane came home for the day, us three were going to go shopping at the Houston Outlet Malls! It's halfway in between Sugar Land and College Station, so we figured, why not?! We mainly hit up stores that would have some business casual for sorority clothes for Diane, but we also went to some stores where we got fun clothes :) The nike store was the best though, they had tiny shoe boxes for gifts cards! Tiny things are always adorable, so of course we had to get one, because they were just so darn cute. It was a super fun girl's day (which we never have) and it was definitely worth the hour drive :) Regardless, I'm always down for getting some free clothes if my mom will buy them for me!

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Day 141: What A Day!

Today started off pretty early. Around 5:15 am (a completely unnatural time for me) I woke up and started to get ready. Kaitlyn and I were going to Texas A&M to do a math competition with Mu Alpha Theta! Getting up early that morning was a drag, and we both thought that the bus ride was going to be a nap time, but once we got on wejust couldn't stop chattin' it up! Kaitlyn and I never get to see each other during the week so whenever we do, we just catch up on everything! Finally though, we arrived at check-in an we got our purple competing t-shirts. We had to wait about an hour for our test to start, and then we went in the testing room. When I got that paper, I literally thought to myself, "what the crap". I had NEVER seen questions as difficult as these ones, and I knew that I would totally get the answers wrong, so I just answered number 1 and doodledon the rest of my test! I actually started laughing during the test I thought it was so ridiculous. After test 1, Kaitlyn and I knew what to expect on test 2 so we just messed around the whole time. I mean who really wants to do math on a saturday?! Thankfully after test 2 we were finally released to go to lunch on Northgate where we met up with my sister! I hadn't seen Diane in a while so it was good reuniting. After lunch, we headed back to the Mays Business School for the award show (which was supposed to start at 2:00) and we ended up waiting around until 3:15! It was ridiculous! Kaitlyn and I took a little nap in our break, so once we got to the awards show, we were ready to hit the bus and head home. It was a fun trip, but we were ready for a break from all the math!

At night, it was the football team's last scheduled football game of the season against Clements, and I had been to every one so I knew that I couldn't miss the last. The entire season, Erin, Victoria, and I have been to every game cheering the boys on and hoping for that win. Last time AHS won a football game was my sophomore year homecoming, and that was just too darn long for me! I wanted to see a win before I graduated! Well, tonight was that night! The boys played amazing and they pulled out a win over Clements 36-31! It was awesome, the entire crowd - even the band parents! - stood up on the bleachers and cheered their hearts out as the boys played their best game of the season. I am so happy for them and I know that everyone else is as well! Way to go boys - you made us proud! Definitely one of the best days and nights of my entire senior year thus far!

Photo Credit: Susan Sternberg

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Tonight was senior night for the volleyball team, so Victoria, Erin, Erica, Kate, and I decided that we should watch the game for the girls. The only two seniors on the team are Savannah and Kaitlyn, but we still supported them anyways! We all felt a little claustrophobic in the stands however, so we decided to sit on the floor, which proved to be a great spot! Front row seats and I was not complaining. During the game, all the fans in the stands would say cheers that they rehearsed, but we didn't know any of them so we decided to make up our own. We pretty must just chanted "OH YEAH!" as if we were imitating Pauly D from Jersey Shore, it was hilarious! The parents were staring (they don't know what Jersey Shore is) and they thought we were nuts! We thought it was hysterical though. Also, Victoria was digging around in her purse and found some halloween goodies from last year she got from work, and we decided to open some up. Erin chose the wax lips - which were disgusting, so she spit them out, but not without snapping a picture first! The volleyball girls played the Kempner cougars, and we wound up whooping their butts and sent them home in three games. What a fantastic night, OH YEAH SENIORS YEAH!

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Day 139: WHOOP!

Today I received one of the BEST letters I could ever get in my whole life! Earlier this summer, I took a tour of Texas A&M and I met with the President of the Association of Former Students, Porter S. Garner III. He grew up in Laredo and has known my father for a while, so he was definitely a good guy to become friends with on the campus! About a week ago I submit my application for Texas A&M, and I have yet to receive confirmation of acceptance. Porter, however, knew already what the outcome of my application was and he decided to send me a package! I was floored because it was addressed to "Brittany Muller '15", and I hadn't even gotten my acceptance letter yet! I opened the package and found an A&M t-shirt and a personalized letter that read:

"Dear Brittany,
I wanted to be one of the first to congratulate you on your acceptance to Texas A&M and welcome you as one of our newest future former students! You will certainly be an asset to Texas A&M and we look forward to having you on campus this fall. I well know that your Dad and all of your family is quote proud of you - and I am as well!
I hope you will wear the enclosed t-shirt with pride and know that if you need anything, I and the staff of The Association of Former Students is always here for you.

It certainly made my day, or rather my entire high school career! I now know EARLY that I am undoubtedly going to be the loudest and proudest newest member of the Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2015! Whoop!

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Day 138: Day with Dad

Today was another killer workout day with the old daddio. It wasn't as bad or as tiring as the first time - which is a definite plus! I am hoping that I get used to it because I need to be able to keep up with some good habits for college! I laugh a lot when I work out because I am surrounded by dudes, they must think I am a little baby because I lift so little. I feel like they stare at me and chuckle because well, I simply just can't lift as much as them! It's an interesting way to bond with my dad, but it's always a good laugh. Especially when I make him takes pictures with me in the mirror of us "getting our swole on"!

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Day 137: A Break

Is there ever a day where you feel so overwhelmed by everything that you just want to sit down and take a break from it all? That was my day today, it was my do nothing day. I literally just sat down on my couch and did nothing until the day was over (after school of course!) My tv shows that were being recorded weren't new so I had already seen them, and nothing else was on so I just took a much needed nap. Sometimes life becomes too overbearing, too demanding, there are those days where we really need to just sit down and take a break!

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Day 136: Man in the Arena

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. "

- Theodore Roosevelt

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Day 135: All Day in the House

Today my day was pretty basic. I woke up at Anam's house and we started to watch the very first episode of Entourage, but we stopped because we were hungry and wanted some cereal! While eating, Anam's mom and sister came in and talked to us about college - so random! I told them about how I've already submitted my applications, and of course that got her mom on a roll! She started talking about how I needed to convinced Anam to go to A&M so that we could room together, it was hilarious! She obviously likes me a lot, and the feeling is mutual. I love that family to pieces! After I left Anam's house it was a pretty predictable lazy sunday. Well, most sundays are but I pretty much did the same thing the entire day long - watched House. I really love that show, Steffi got me into it and now I'm obsessed with it! It actually had a good plot, and I've already fallen in love with the characters, especially House and Cudi. Those two are just meant for each other! To make me a happy camper, all you need to do it buy me seasons of House! :)

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Day 134: Football Failures

Today I rode up with my family to College Station to tailgate and watch the fightin' Texas Aggies play the Missouri Tigers. We were favored in the game, which hasn't happened recently so that was good news. However, we were let down by the Aggies and they lost. We all left the game quarter early because we were so disappointed. We went to the tailgate to eat some food, socialize, and play some washers. Soon though, Erin, Jamie, and I had to make the trek back to Kaitlyn's house because we had to go back home to go to the AHS football game! We fought pretty hard and we made some good plays, but unfortunately Bush was another loss. Each game I know that it makes our school more upset, and it breaks my heart that the boys haven't experienced a win this year yet. Today was just not the day for my football teams to do some winning :(

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Day 133: Waiters Are Jackasses :)

Today was voting day at school! In order to get myself out there, I went a little above and beyond and made my own t-shirt. This isn't normally out of the ordinary, but today's shirt was a little different. It had my face on it! I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty hilarious! I even wore it to the pep rally, and plenty of people got a good laugh out of it. After school, I hung out at the house for a little bit (cool friday right!) and then went out to dinner with my mom and dad at Olive Garden! Earlier this week we were talking about how we never go there, so we decided that tonight was the night. We all sat at the bar while waiting for a table and got some drinks, so by the time our table was ready we didn't need to order any. When the waiter asked us what we wanted, my mom said to just bring us out all water, so that's what he did. He had a little slip up though, and spilled the waters all over my dad! It really looked like he wet his pants! I felt really bad for the waiter, but it was hilarious so we all just couldn't stop laughing! The manager was very nice though and she gave us a free appetizer which was an awesome addition. Afterward dinner, I went with Kaitlyn, Lauren, Katy, and Crysta to see Jackass 3D, which was hilarious! The high five, the ram jam, and rocky were only some of the hilarious stunts. Those guys are pure comic geniuses. Definitely a night full of laughs!

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Day 132: Shine Like a Star

Today after school I had my interview to be Student council president, and I'm not going to lie, I was nervous. I put on a nice outfit to be presentable and I did my best and brought the thunder! Before I went in, I was a little shaky, but afterwards I realized everything was alright. I noticed that no matter what happens, I did my best and that's all that matters. I was talking to my mom about it and she told me that it's okay if I lose, it's okay if I win, as long as I tried my best, that I shine like a star. I know that in the end of everything, my family will always be there for me :)

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Day 131: Skipping the ASVAB!

Today was a day to look forward to! Today the freshmen, sophomores, and junior of our school took the PSAT while the seniors were assigned to take the ASVAB, a career test. They told all the seniors that it wasn't mandatory, which was a mistake! Because of this, pretty much the entire senior class did not show up for school first through fourth period! I myself was definitely part of the half. I had a sleepover with my friends the night before, woke up late, took my time to get ready, went to breakfast at IHOP with some friends, and just had an all around awesome morning! IHOP was probably my favorite part, there was so many people from school there! The funniest we saw Logan, Evan, Brandon, and Andrew and we laughed because they looked like a group of construction workers! We were all pretty worried that since it was busy that we would never get of there, but the service was surprisingly fast, and everyone was happy with their food! Definitely a good experience for a skip day breakfast with my friends! :)

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Day 130: What's This Line For?

Today after school I was scheduled for some SNHS volunteering at the Bethel Ministry in Stafford. I've never been there before, and I didn't really know where it was, so Melinda and I went together! On our last turn to get there, we noticed that in the right hand lane there were tons of cars waiting in a line. We knew we couldn't wait in it because they seemed to be going nowhere, so we instead just drove past. There must have been hundreds of cars, and they were lined up for more than a mile! We were anticipating on where they were directed when all of a sudden we arrived at our destination, which just so happened to be where the cars were lined up! We walked inside, not knowing what to expect, and found a shocking sight. There were about 500 boxes stuffed with food sitting on the tables. It was amazing to see how many people donate food for others that need it. Being able to witness that there really are people out there that put other people before themselves was awesome. My favorite part of the volunteering was when Melinda and I agreed that it was definitely some of the most helpful volunteer work we've ever done. I definitely plan on doing it again!

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Day 129: Rave Club!

Tonight was our first themed younglife club, and it was RAVE NIGHT! All the leaders decorated the Wolf Den with some cool glow in the dark stuff, some black trash bags to put on the walls, and of course, and awesome strobe light! We told everybody to come dressed in their brightest colors, because the lights were off the whole night - it was only glow in the dark! During the leader meeting, we kind of got carried away with the glowsticks, we split them open and sprayed the "juice" everywhere so that it would all glow. To open one up, I bit it and it accidentally squirted all in my mouth, it was disgusting! I got it cleaned up fast because that stuff does NOT taste good! During club, we had the music blasting techno remixes and some awesome singing going on. We played murderer, and also Mat made his game debut with his "I scream, you scream, I can't see my Ice Cream!" skit. It was hilarious, messy, and just an all around good time. I'm glad that people are getting more involved with younglife because coming together at 7:47 on monday nights for some bonding and old fashioned fun is what it's all about!

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Day 128: Catchin' Up

Today was a day full of sleeping. I woke up late at Katy's, then came home and went back to sleep. Then, my mom woke me up and told me I had to do my laundry. Since I didn't want to just fold laundry, I turned on the Texans game and watched while I washed. When my first batch of clothes were done however, I brought them out to fold but they were just so warm that I laid on top of the pile of clothes and went back to sleep, for about 5 hours. At about eight, I had to wake back up because I couldn't just go to sleep on the floor of my den, so I dragged myself upstairs and went back to sleep again, for the rest of the night. It was a tiring day, and I'm not sure why I wanted to sleep so much, but I can definitely say I got my day's worth of sleep!

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Day 127: OPA! It's Katy's 18th Birthday!

Today I had to finish my NHS hours at the Houston Greek Festival, for 6 hours! It was definitely a super long time to volunteer, but in the end it was totally worth it because A) I got my hours done, and B) It was a super fun event! I've never been to the Greek festival before, so I was definitely in for some surprises. Turns out, a LOT of people come to it! Almost a thousand people were there, I swear. I was so glad that the work seemed to go by quickly because 6 hours was seriously a long time. I met plenty of nice people, and I am definitely willing to work there again next year! After my shift, I wandered around the place a little bit so that I could see everything that was going on! I went into the crowded market place, the crowded eating area, and took a gander at the crowded show. Needless to say, the entire place was CROWDED! I really wanted to get a good Greek gyro, but the line to get one was about a mile long, and I just didn't have that kind of time! So I skipped out on the food and decided that after about 6 and half hours total, it was time to get out of there!

At night, we had a football game against Travis that we lost. :( Afterwards, some people went over to Katy's house for some delicious food (especially Granny's rolos!) and just some chill hanging out. Everyone had a good time, and I know I sure did :) After pretty much everyone left, Katy, Anam, Brelynn, Cameron, and I were watching TV in the movie room which made me pretty sleepy, and Cameron too! Cameron wound up falling into a dead sleep, and Katy drew on his face :) We all found out he talks in his sleep, pretty distinctively! Never have I seen someone sleep so deeply!

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Day 126: Dodgeball!

Today we had our annual charity school dodgeball tournament for breast cancer! Our team this year was pretty funny, we didn't even exactly have a name. I'm pretty sure we changed our name so many times that no one even knew what our actual team name was. We had matching shirts though, even if they were pretty ridiculous looking! We didn't get first place, but we did get 4th so I was pretty proud of us! Apparently we were underdogs, but I thought we did a really good job, go lokos! :) The only thing thing that was a pretty big downer was the "fun" about the tournament... the referee definitely did a good job at making us not happy about any of the game turnouts, even if we weren't the teams playing! It became way too out of hand and I feel like because of him, a lot of people wound up leaving the tournament angry. I wish that charity events like this could just be fun like they're intended, but some people just take it too seriously, and they like to rain on everyone's parade! Regardless, lots of money was raised for charity, so the tournament definitely was a plus in the long run :)

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Day 125: A Step Towards the Future

Today was a multitude of great things that just made today a fantastic day! First, after school Erin and I got a volunteer hour at Sartartia which was super easy and we got some shirts out of it. Second, it was Cale's surprise birthday party! Victoria and Cale's parents planned the whole thing, and it wasn't exactly the best kept secret but I think we pulled it off pretty nicely in the end. It was fun to just have everyone get together to hang out in the beautiful weather, sips some sodas and pig out on some pizza and cake together. I also discovered that Josh DeLoach is one hilarious impersonator! After Cale's I realized that I needed to get down to business with my college apps. I was way less than satisfied with my third essay, so a little before Cale's and after, I decided to rewrite my entire essay, and I was successful! I really did think it was a great essay, and I am very excited about my application. After I finished the third essay and paid the fee, my application was sent in and I was ready to go! I honestly can NOT wait till I am a fightin' Texas Aggie!

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Day 124: Zacchaeus Get Down

Today was a miracle day. I walked into physics lab after my SNHS meeting, expecting to be there until 5. Physics labs take much longer than I would like them to, and it is just unfortunate. But today was different. I walked into lab and I saw Courtney and Andrea and joined their table. Literally, within five minutes we were done with the entire lab. THE ENTIRE LAB! I was so shocked I really wanted to cry because I was so happy. I had so much free time, it was ridiculous. I was going home almost an hour and a half ahead of schedule and I was very excited about it! Later tonight, Erin and I went to campaigners at Mat's house, which is much easier to find now that we've already been there. It was a very small group of just five of us, it was a little ridiculous. But it was still fun because we got some learning out of it! We learned about Zacchaeus and we talked about what was keeping us hiding in the tree. Getting us to come down is easy, but helping others is a bit more difficult. It's something we have to work on, but hopefully we all will be able to learn better throughout the year!

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Day 123: All I Wanted was a Shake Weight

I told my dad I wanted a Shake Weight for Christmas, so instead he decides to take me to Lifetime and makes himself my personal trainer. Tonight was the first night I went to the gym with him, and it was definitely a workout! All I wanted was a Shake Weight, but instead I got some pull-ups, some push-ups, some bench pressing, the works! I felt like a total dude working out in the machine sections because - let's face it - no girls lift weights at lifetime. It's all a bunch of dudes, "trying to get their swoll on". My dad didn't seem too out of place, but I sure as heck did! I'm pretty sure I was the only girl there who was even going near the bench press area. I felt a little silly but gosh dangit did the workout work! My arms were so tired, I could barely move them by the end of the night. To top it all off, we did the stair climber afterwards and I was ridiculously tired. My dad's a champ, and working out with him is some serious work!

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Day 122: Toaster Oven Troubles

Late tonight was the biggest event of the day. when I was working on some homework, it was pretty late and I was feeling a little hungry. I decided to put a tortilla in the toaster oven because I always do it - I toast it so it gets hard and then I can break it up like it's pita chips! It's delicious! This time however, things got a little haywire. After about a minute in the toaster, I smelt something funky. I went over to the toaster and I realized that half of my tortilla was black! In a panic, I tried to turn off the toaster but instead things took a turn for the worse... my tortilla burst into flames! Right there in the toaster oven! I tried to unplug it but the cord was too close to the side of the toaster oven and it was really hot! I opened up the little door to try and get the tortilla out with some tongs, but when that happened, the fire grew about 2 feet and started to hit my cabinets right above it! So of course, I shut the dang door. I didn't know what to do with this fire in my kitchen so I did what any girl would do, I yelled for my dad! I called him twice but he didn't answer. I yelled, "Dad! I need your help!"... still no answer. Finally I yelled at the top of my lungs, "FIRE!" and both of my parents came to the rescue and my dad put the fire out while my mom and I opened up all the door and windows to let out the smoke. They weren't mad that I had burnt the toaster oven to bits, they were just happy that nothing else got burned in the process (except for maybe the tortilla, haha). Needless to say after that fiasco however; the Muller family's toaster will never be the same!

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Day 121: After-party at the Furrh's

After we left the homecoming dance, a big group of kids went over to the Furrh's house for some more good cooking and to have a giant sleepover! His parents stayed up and hung out with us till 4 in the morning, and Mrs. Furrh was even cooking! She just never stops, she is always willing to please the hungry little high schoolers :) After a couple of hours though, everyone became really tired and decided that it was finally time to hit the sack. When we woke up, Mrs. Mary Jane was at it again, making breakfast burritos for everyone! She literally was such an angel, she went so out of her way to make all of us have the best time. After eating and watching a little sunday football, we all finally made our trips back home to get some actual rest in our own beds! I definitely took a couple hours of nap time because I was exhausted! Around 3 however, I was awake and ready to go because Rocky invited me to play volleyball with some people up at River Pointe! It was literally the perfect weather to play some relaxing volleyball, and it was definitely worth the trip because we had a blast, even if the ball did go in the water a couple of times! The best part was when my team won all the volleyball games! Oh wait, we lost them all. Oh well, it was still a fun trip :) Even if Rocky was a little rusty!

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Day 120: Senior Homecoming!

Today was the day of homecoming! My entire day was pretty filled, starting out with some volunteering at the Telfair International Music Festival. It was pretty fun, I got to help set up the booths and watch the performers practice before anyone else! I also met some cool people, which always helps when you volunteer! After all of that, I took a break to watch some tv and nap and then BAM! It was time to get ready! I went over to CK Salon to get my hair and makeup done by Mrs. Cathy and Amanda, and I saw Nick! It was awesome because I haven't seen him in forever, and he was in my homecoming group when he was a senior, so it was a bonding moment :) After getting all dolled up, it was time to go home, put on my dress, and start taking pictures! Mark came over with his mom to get some before date pics, and then we were off to Savannah's for group pictures and some delicious dinner! Most of the pictures consisted of the girls, the guys weren't to thrilled or involved in the picture taking. After all the pictures, it was time to pig out! Mrs. Mary Jane Furrh cooked all the fool for us, and it was delicious! I swear - that woman knows how to cook! After dinner, we all just hung out a little bit until it was time to DANCE! There were a lot of us, we definitely made an entrance :) We danced the night away and everything was perfect except for one thing, the DJ SUCKED. He played the worst music ever, and I honestly wanted to go up to the DJ booth and mix the music myself! After a while of the lame tunes, we decided it was time to blow that popstand and just hang out! So we decided to go to Logan's house, where tomorrow begins :)

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Day 119: Red Seniors Love the Whataburger Queen!

Today was my final class color day in high school EVER, and I definitely wanted to do it big for senior year! I made shirts with Erin, Anam, Jamie, and Jordan that were bright and sparkly :) It's definitely my favorite class color shirt that I've ever made. To add the the redness, a couple of girls and I bought some red hair clip ins and put on some bright red lipstick which definitely looked cool. Everything around me was red, red, red, and I loved it all! Being a senior to me is fantastic, and I think it's without a doubt the best year for people to just go crazy and be happy with high school for once! I think the best color seniors could have worn is red, because it symbolizes courage and bravery. We've all made is past the first three years, and we've finally come out strong and on top, ready to face the scary world that will be ours once we graduate. It's been a crazy ride, but it's not quite over yet! Not to mention, studies show that women in red are said to be more attractive :)
Also tonight was the homecoming football game against Dulles and we almost won! It was by far the best game our boys have played and we should have won, but there were a couple of controversy calls that were definitely not to our benefit. It was alright though because the fans were proud of them for playing so well! Also, at halftime the homecoming king and queen were crowned! Savannah and Brelynn won, and they definitely got plenty of cheers :) I'm so proud of them! After the game, a couple of us went to Whataburger, including Katy. Even though Katy was on court, she didn't win and we wanted to make her feel special. When coming back to the table to eat, we had Mark escort her and Erin gave her a sash made of all of our receipts that read "homecoming queen"! It was hilarious, we kept calling her a princess and "the whatabuger queen" :) Even though Katy technically didn't win, she's still a queen to all of us! We love you Katy! :)

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