Day 84: First Game Day!

Today was this year Austin High School Bulldogs' first football game! It wasn't a district game, but it was the first one and everyone in the whole school was pretty excited to see the new coach and our improved boys at work on the field! Victoria created some football fan t-shirts to wear during the games or on game day that says "We Love Our Football Boys". All the senior girls that got them wore the shirts to school today, and we all matched :) I guess you could say we were all pumped! After school ended, I met up with a few friends at Chick-fil-a to snack up and talk about how we were going to get there, and it was decided that I was going to ride with Victoria, Gabby, Erin, and Jamie! We definitely had the party car, we jammed out all the way there (the whole hour or so that it took) and just had a blast! We even listened to some oldies but goodies like spice girls and All-Star. It was hilarious! When we got there, we were definitely the best and loudest fans all the way to the end of the game! We wanted the boys to win so badly, but we ended up losing 19-21. :( It okay though, we still believe that our boys will pull out a win soon :)
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