Day 55: The Hike

Today when I woke up, I realized that I had the craziest dream. After we put the chairs on the guys' porch, they told us that they wanted to prank us back, so maybe this was my mind talking. But after everyone had went to sleep, I dreamed that the guys had come into our room and tried to get us out of bed to dance with them. It was so strange and I didn't think much of it until later that day. Set aside, We woke up at 7 A.M. to go hike up Princeton Peak! It was definitely going to be an amazing day, but all of the girls were all a little worried that we would get winded trying to make the hike! After we started out the hike however, we found that it really wasn't that bad, and actually eventually passed so many people up that we were some of the first in the whole group! It was crazy hot on the way up so we were all loving it when we finally got to the middle where we had lunch and it was colder. We even had some lunch entertainment by none other than Rocky Branagan. He created a song about the mountain, and it was HILARIOUS, we literally sang it everyday for the rest of the trip at least 100 times. After lunch, we started to head up the second part to get to the peak, and it immediately started raining. And when I say raining, I mean down pouring. There was no way of escaping the rain, it was crazy! So much rain in fact that we all had to turn around because there was lightening at the top of the mountain. We were all very disappointed that we didn't get to take a sight at the top, but I'm pretty sure we all appreciated not being forced to stay in the freezing rain! On the way down, I lost a lot of my cabin because they were sprinting ahead of me, so I stayed back with a few people including my new best friend Price Simpson. We talked about how we felt like we were in "Jurrasic Park" and we even created our own dinosaurs that we were looking for - the Treeasaurous Rex! It doesn't eat people, it only knocks down trees, hahaha. The whole way day we chatted about dinos and life and other random things, and we definitely became bonded :) After the hike down, we had an extremely long free time because we were back about 3 hours earlier than we should be. So, to entertain ourselves, my cabin met some super random guys from San Antonio and we all decided to play the "awkward game" in the game room with them! Basically, we would choose one person in the group to do something awkward (like slap their butt) to somebody in the room who was uninvolved so they had no idea what was going on. It was hilarious! Everybody thought that we were crazy, but we had the time of our lives, we even had the entire group of about 30 people each shadow somebody in the room. It was a great time, and I almost cried from laughing so hard. After this game, the girls and I began to talk about the dream I had, and we had created some mass hysteria within our cabin that somehow we actually thought that it was true, so we told the guy leaders and they almost got the guys in trouble! We felt bad, but when we realized that all of our assumptions were false, we definitely felt like idiots. After the night dwindled, around 11:15, Ryan Long had a concert that we all got to go to that was crazy awesome! His singing is great, he is truly one of those people that sounds better live than he does on CD, he is AMAZING. I was so happy that I got the Honor to listen to him for an entire hour :)
"I found God on the top of a mountain,
He said zup, I said nothin."
-Rocky Branagan's Song
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