We woke up at 5:15 today to the sounds of Raisa's duck alarm so that we could go repelling. But once we all started to rise, she shut off the lights and told us "go back to sleep, don't ask any questions!" so we did. When we woke up after those couple extra hours of sleep, we had breakfast in bed! It was pretty good, we got to all talk and just lay around while eating, which are three of my favorite things to do. After breakfast in bed, I had my one-on-one with Nicole which was pretty good. Towards the end however, Taylor Watts came up to us and asked, "hey are you guys in deep discussion right now?" and we obviously said yes so he said, "nevermind, hey does anybody want to ride the screamer? we need a third person!" so I looked at Nicole and I jumped up and said "Nevermind, I'm going!" it was hilarious because both Nicole and I were down for me riding the screamer because it's crazy awesome and you just can't miss out! After the screamer though, it began to down pour - again. This time it was so bad that it started creating mudslides all over the mountain that would flood into camp! It was pretty gross, and I even had to run through mud that was up to my ankles. Since we had a lot of time, we decided to get ready for date night early. All of the girls got their dresses on, and we had a nice 5-star (well, almost) dinner in the dining hall and we all got to take pictures for our last night there. It was a good time for everybody to just be calm and get to all bond before having to leave. After date night; Erin, Ellen, and I quickly got into more comfortable clothes and went to go get coffee, for probably about the billionth time. This time, the work crew was in the dining hall, and we got to hang out with a couple of the people who were super great. We made some new friends like James (our waiter), Kurtis, Taylor, Parker, Shadwick, and a few others. They had some stories that definitely convinced us all that we are definitely doing work crew next summer! After leaving that, we all saw Ryan Long again, and took a picture with him :)
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