Today, Erin, Ellen & I woke up early to get some coffee (go figure) and to explore camp! We didn't want to miss out on ANYTHING, because we were going to be leaving today :( We saw the work crew people for about a split second, so afterwards we just decided to sip our coffee on the Mayor's Office porch. After our buffet breakfast that morning, we all had to attend a seminar and an area meeting, and both were packed! I feel like all of Fort Bend is just a big pack of crazy people, and I love them all and I'm so glad I got to spend a week with all of them. :) After the meetings, we had to pack up and make our beds, which was extremely arduous. They were supposed to be made hospital style, which took a LOT of time. Finally we got the job done though, and we got to have our last free time. I made bracelets for Taylor and Kurtis, because they were some of my favorite two work crew that I had bonded with so they deserved one! Also, Jamie, Ellen, and I bought some treats for the Outdoor Crew, because they were shoveling mud ALL day and we felt they needed a pick-me-up. They were definitely grateful and I was overjoyed to know that I helped people who really appreciated it :) Later that night for dinner, we had a 52-table-long picnic country style! We were having ribs and chicken for dinner, no plates or utensils necessary! It was a great country hoedown and Sarah Grover and I even swing danced! Even our favorite work crew members took some pictures with us! :) Shortly after dinner however, it was time for us to leave which was depressing :( We said our goodbyes to our new friends and got on the bus - but it wasn't over yet! Kurtis and Parker wrote Erin, Ellen, and I a note and gave it to Taylor Watts to read to us over the Bus Intercom! It was hilarious, we definitely felt special to our new friends :) They even gave us their numbers, and we screamed like little girls because we were so happy. It was a great way to wrap up truly the most amazing, BEST WEEK OF MY LIFE.
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