When I woke up at Charity's today, I was verrrry tired. I didn't exactly want to get up, but I knew I had to start my day early or else I would never wake up! I drove home and did what I've been meaning to do since I got back from camp - get up to date on this blog! For about an hour or so, that's literally all I spent my time doing, writing. Hopefully that gives me inspiration to write my college essays sometime soon.... Anyways, today I finally got to see Anam! It's been FOREVER since I've seen her, since the day I left for camp! I missed her a lot and we definitely got to catch up a little :) After visiting Anam, I left to go to Steffi's house because we were supposed to go to the premier of Andy Young's (who is our neighbor) movie, "Action Man". We didn't exactly get to go though, because tickets were sold out! It was a bummer for us not to be able to go, but it was awesome to see that Andy had gotten so much publicity and I take my hat off to his hard work and dedication! Good job Dingoman! After hanging out with Steffi for a little bit and watching some of one of our favorites TV shows, House, Rocky texted me and invited me to go bowling with the guys tonight! I invited girls of course, and we had a BLAST! Even though all us girls weren't exactly what you would call "good" at bowling, we still had fun messing around, cheering on the boys, and just being silly :) A.J. and Rocky basically had a photoshoot, every ten seconds I had the camera they'd say "Hey Brittany" and ask me to take a picture of them! It was hilarious, because they are some of the most awkward guys I know. They honestly don't care what anyone thinks! All in all, I'm so glad that I am hanging out with all of my Frontier friends, they are some amazing people that I never want to forget!
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