Day 94: All About Young Life

Today I was finally reunited with my Big Bear girls! Well, not everyone, there were a few missing :( But it was definitely fun! I miss these girls so much, I feel like every time we are reunited, it is like we never left camp! We ordered some pizza, went on a hilarious Walgreen's run and just sat around and updated each other with our lives :) We talked about upcoming homecoming especially, because Raisa volunteered to help us all out with our hair! :) She's such a sweetie and I missed her so much! On our Walgreen's run, Jamie and I sat in the back of Vanessa's car and seriously went CRAZY! I mean, we were definitely on hyper juice or something because we were laughing up a storm! I love that girl, we always have an amazing time together :) I wouldn't trade her for the world! After Vanessa's, we all had to go our separate ways to go to our own Young Life meetings! Too bad Elkins and Austin aren't together, it's a little depressing! But Young Life tonight was fun nevertheless - it was just a Sophomore-Senior meeting but I think we all are excited for club next week! I seriously can't wait, it's going to be so much fun! After everyone left today, Nicole and I creeped all around the office taking weird pictures and it was HILARIOUS. I definitely felt like a dork but it was so much fun! I love nicole, and I love being a creeper!
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