After school today, I went over to Erin's to make ANOTHER football fans shirt! This one wasn't as widespread as our others, only Erin, Jamie, Victoria, Savannah, and I will have them. They aren't anything too special, only some white tanktops that we spray painted, but they are still pretty cool looking. They say "SENIORS" on top of a football that has "XI" in the middle of it for class of 2011. On the back, we all chose a football player we're friends with and we wrote their name and number on the bottom of our shirts. We like to make sure we represent our boys :) After all of our painting, the Cassanis allowed Victoria, Maddie Fuqua, and I to stay for dinner. We had spaghetti and caesar salad, it was delicious! Pretty much the entire dinner we talked about Google Earth, which was random but pretty funny. After dinner, Elissa and Maddie began to make some rainbow cupcakes for the angels tomorrow for the tailgate before our football game! I asked them if they were making them because they were assigned and they said no, they were just doing it because they're nice. Those girls are so sweet, just like their cupcakes :)

"An angel's what I'm meant to be, so being sweet comes naturally"
- Anonymous
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