Today was the first student council district meeting! Everybody that went on the trip got an excused absence from school - which was awesome! I had to be at school MUCH earlier today than usual, but it was totally worth it. We went to M.O. Campbell High School, where the inside athletic arena is HUGE! There were definitely over 1,000 seats. We needed a big enough place to hold all of us crazy student council kids! Our first speaker came to talk to us about motivation, being able to take our excitement and ideas for the new year and actually go out and do something about it! He was definitely an awesome speaker, and performer! He was a "mind-freak" from Las Vegas, and he without a doubt knew how to WOW the crowd! He was amazing, and he definitely had some crazy tricks! After his speech, the second speaker came to talk about the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo scholarship program. It was pretty exciting, because he was pretty much directing the speech at the seniors, and I realized that college is so dang close! There were freshman at the convention and I thought, "wow, I must seem really OLD to them!" It's crazy that I've already come this far, it's really all been a blur! After the second speaker finished, we ran our district official meeting and then we were done! We had a couple hours to stay out, so we got to go to the Willobrook mall for some lunch and of course, shopping! I love that mall because the Forever 21 is so huge! After the mall we headed back to school with only 20 minutes left.

It was a good school day for sure! Later tonight, I went to my brother's football game, and then out to eat sushi with my mother! My mom and I never really get to hang out, so it was pretty good finally getting to just sit down and chat with her. All in all, and good day for bonding :)
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