Diane got her wisdom teeth out today! She was pretty cracked out, it was hilarious! All day, I was entertained by her "talking" and numb face. I love Diane, especially when she is feeling a little giddy :) Also, I feel like Kaitlyn and I always going on crazy adventures these days! Today we decided that we were going to go to our friend Taylor Cobb's baseball game all the way downtown at the Rice Stadium. No big deal, I thought, if we have mapquest printouts. Well, to tell the truth, they didn't help at all! We were lost for a good while, turning onto a street called "Fannin" because Kaitlyn recognized the name. It took us all over the place, and it finally lead us near the Reliant Center! Finally in an area we knew fairly well, we decided to stop as soon as possible and get some food! We stopped at the sandwich place called "Which Wich?" which was delicious! Kaitlyn and I had never truly been there, and we were definitely satisfied first time customers! After eating, we attempted navigating our way back to the Rice area, and by some miracle we actually found the baseball field! We walked in only to find one of the quietest stadiums I've ever been in! Kaitlyn and I wound up sitting near Kelsey and her friend Kirbie, along with some college recruiters! It was a pretty fun time watching Taylor play baseball in a college stadium! Even though the adventure there was a little stressful, Kaitlyn and I still managed to have the time of our lives! :)
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