Day 36: Doggie Adventures
Today, I woke up much, much earlier than I wanted. I am babysitting some of my friends' dogs, and they need to be taken out at 7:00 A.M., not my usual waking hour. I hadn't gotten up this early all summer, so it was very difficult! Throughout the day I went over to feed, take out, and play with the dogs, it was so much fun! Their dogs get in the pool, something my dogs would NEVER do, and they are just too adorable! It was really fun getting to play with some pups that like to swim! After about an hour of lunchtime play, I realized that I was going to be late for work, so I had to leave. But once I got home, my 7-year-old neighbor Grant was trying to catch his two dogs which were lose on the street. Disregarding my possible late arrival to work, I volunteered to help him which wound up being fun because Grant definitely had a lot to talk about! Kids really do say the darndest things :) After work, I went over to Richard's for his last night in town and we watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets because I've never seen it! Lately, plenty of people have told me how they love these movies and I realized that I've only seen the first! After last night, I've decided that before the last one comes out, I am going to watch them all because I am a fan!
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