Day 49: Feelin' Hot Hot Hot
Today I got up extra early with Diane to go outside and tan because it actually wasn't raining - a miracle! It's been raining all week, so this one day we had to take advantage of! We laid out with the dogs for a little bit, swam around and just hung out, but soon the heat became unbearable. We had to ditch and come back inside! After tanning, Anam came over for a little bit because I hadn't seen her in forever! She had just come back from Student Council summer camp and she said she had a blast so I was definitely glad to hear her stories :) She watched me pack and get ready for work because it was my last day to work before I left for camp! When I got to work, I was in the funniest mood, and I really just felt like messing with people. I don't know why, but I just felt like letting loose and being silly! Also, donovan gave me a form to fill out for his Fish City Summer 2010 yearbook, which I was VERY excited about seeing. Needless to say, it was a hilarious day at work. After work, I had to finish my packing because I leave tomorrow to go to Colorado for YoungLife camp! Judging by the people going, and my previous experience there, it is going to be the best week of my life!