Day 190: Contact Roulette

Tonight at Victoria's house, Cale introduced us all to a new, hilarious game. It's called "Contact Roulette" and it's pretty much exactly what it sounds like. The way to play is to look away from your phone and scroll through your contact list. When someone tells you to stop, you put your finger on whatever name you're on, and you have to call that person and talk to them for a minimum of one minute. Cale and Mark played against each other, and I couldn't stop laughing. We kept score, and Mark won by far! Cale got some extra points though for playing a trick on my sister! He had to call her, but she couldn't talk because she was studying. So instead of giving up on her, he decided to still make up a story, but via text. He made up some extravagant story about how he got caught inside my house after breaking in, and she believed him! To pile on the story, I called her and told her how angry I was at her for telling him to tell my parents he was there, because "I got in trouble too". I told her my parents gave my Christmas presents away to charity - I thought this would help her understand the joke. But I was wrong, she still believed us! After we couldn't take it anymore, all of us bust out laughing and told her it was fake. She was a little mad we tricked her, but we just couldn't help ourselves!

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